All About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. ☺️✨

Over the past few years I have re-framed my relationship with my body, my fitness and the way I eat. I haven’t followed any one ‘regime’, just trying things out and finding what works for me. I’ve noticed friends asking me for tips on what workouts I do and what I eat, because they have seen this change in me (not just externally, but internally), and I really do feel like I have some tips and value to share!

I don’t have abs (although maybe one day!) but I also don’t believe that’s what it means to be healthy, both physically and mentally. In learning to shift my focus to progress and not perfection I have become stronger, fitter and more capable now than I ever have been, and I want to pass that forward!

I used to think my body had two options; 1. love yourself and plateau exactly as you are (which seemed uninspiring to me), or 2. Dislike your body in order to change it and be ‘better’. But finding love for my body exactly as it is, whilst also knowing I have the ability to improve it everyday, and that those two ideas can co-exist, has been a game changer.

And stick around if you have a love for Disney like I do!

It’s joyful, it’s uplifting, it gives me positivity and it’s a part of who I am! When I first started my blog in 2017 I was terrified to put this nerdy part of myself front and centre for fear of what people would think. But I can tell you right now that being exactly who you are for everyone to see is bloody liberating! And loosing that fear of what people would think of me and just going for it has been a big part of my self-love journey. ❤️

I am not saying I have all the answers, I absolutely don’t. But I can share what I have learned so far, and hope you’ll join me on the journey!



Love, Katy x