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Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party! Part 2! ~~ Parade, Shows, Snacks and Fireworks

There was so much to see and do at MNSSHP. We definitely didn’t do it all, and honestly there is so much to see I don’t know how you ever could!

One of the biggest elements that I was most looking forward to was the Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular show. I absolutely LOVE a Disney villain. One of my favourite Disney characters as a child was Maleficent (not sure if that says more about me being a weird kid…) and this show did not disappoint! The most exciting thing about this show is that you hardly ever get to see the villain costume characters in the parks and it’s such a rare treat. The big ones like Hook, Maleficent, Evil Queen etc you can see outside of Halloween for sure, but this event lets you see so many more rarely seen characters. I was BEYOND excited to see Dr. Facilier and Hades on the stage have their time to shine. Also, Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas made an appearance and the costume was unbelievably good and the movement was amazing! I love that this show put the lesser represented villains centre stage. Although, the only thing that would have been better is if my girl Yzma was there! Best. Villain. Ever.

The other main event of any Disney party is the fireworks, and the Halloween version is the HalloWishes fireworks. Honestly, I was a bit underwhelmed by these! Sorry! Perhaps it was the fact that the Happily Ever After show was SOOOOO good that this just fell a bit flat, but I really didn’t get it! It didn’t feel as complete as the other shows and just a bit like a standard fireworks display. But I imagine the reason is that they couldn’t fully adapt the projections and display around the fact that they are also doing the normal fireworks every other night! Either way, sorry Disney, I wasn’t blown away by this one!

A memorable shout out about was the Boo-to-You Halloween Parade! A favourite with fans and so much fun!


The parade is started with the Headless Horseman coming down Main Street and this was honestly my favourite bit. The costume is so clever and the rider genuinely does look Headless, also I think it’s so magical that they use a real horse which really adds to the drama. I’m also sure that they must add horseshoes that are more ‘clippy cloppy’ than normal sounding horseshoes because they were so loud and dramatic! The crowds that assemble for the parade are massive and put the daytime crowds to shame, and the most amazing thing about the Headless Horseman is I am not exaggerating when I say the whole crowd falls silent when he comes by. It’s so eerie and quite a feeling when everyone hushes and is just in awe of the moment. Love it.

The rest of the parade itself is obviously the perfect combo of spooky and ‘not-so-scary’. The iconic Haunted Mansion hitchhikers were present as well as the dancing ballroom ghosts and the gravedigger characters. I’m not sure how they do it but the gravediggers drag their spades along Main Street creating sparks in their wake, which is such a thrill when it first happens! And obviously the best part is seeing your main man Mickey in his Halloween suit, so cute! Tinkerbell is always a favourite as well, she always has such a cute placement in the Parades. Just look at how cute she is!


I loved seeing the Evil Queen with her Mirror who was placed last on the parade. You’d almost miss it if you weren’t looking for her and so when you catch her out the corner of your eye it’s quite a shock! I also loved her placement behind the Demon character from Fantasia. Fantasia is one of my all time favourite Disney films and this character is I think Disney’s scariest!


And just look at my girl Maleficent! She is so glorious and elegant, I love her.


The ‘not-so-scary’ also came in the form of plenty of Wreck It Ralph themed floats! Obviously with Ralph Breaks The Internet coming out soon I expected Vanellope and Ralph to be front and centre, and I’m not complaining! They were so colourful and fun I loved it. Managed to snap a pic of Vanellope but didn’t get to catch Ralph unfortunately. But he was driving a Candy truck!


Another big thing to mention before I sign off is the amount of free Candy you can pick up! It’s crazy! Americans really do go all out on the chocolate and sweets!


If you don’t know much about MNSSHP, loads of the rides/cafes/areas turn into candy handing out stations! You get given a map and you can go round as many as you want and collect free candy! They give you massive handfuls at each stop. I think we only went to 4 different stops and this is what you got, so just gives you an idea of what you can come away with if you visit all the stops, I think there were like 20!

So, all in all, my ratings would be as follows!

Hallowishes Fireworks – 3 out of 5 (Soz! I just have high Disney-level expectations!)

Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular – 5 out of 5 (would have loved to see Yzma though)

Boo-to-You Halloween Parade – 5 out of 5


So that’s it, a total wrap up of the key things to see at Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party 2018! Overall, defo worth the money and if I ever went to Disney World over the Halloween period I would definitely go again!


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