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“In every job that must be done There is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game” ~~ Mary Poppins Shoe Art!

So I have been working on something really exciting, and time consuming, and testing the limits of my abilities over the last few weeks!

It’s kind of become a project that I have gone back and forth to as I worked out how I was going to paint certain bits and working on my skills! But I am finally finished!

This all started when I painted my first pair of shoes which were Winnie the Pooh themed. I was so inspired by other Disney art and fun shoe painting ideas that I just had to have a go at my own!

I’ve never been the greatest artist and I’d certainly never painted anything before! So this was a bit of a trial and error project! But I had a lot of fun and I got a really amazing response from you guys, so thank you for that!!

And while I was creating these I was getting inspired by other Disney favourites of mine that I could have a go at recreating!

For my next project I wanted to have a go at something a little more challenging and detailed, and I had 2 options for you lot….


And the results were in for Mary Poppins! (but only just! So a Peter Pan shoe might also be on it’s way as well…. :P)

So I had THE MOST FUN pulling out all of my favourite Mary Poppins moments and creating an artistic montage on my next pair of shoes!

And these were my results!











I’m pretty pleased with them!! And all inspired by my absolute favourite parts of one of my absolute favourite films of all time 🙂

The iconic London skyscape entrance of everyone’s favourite Nanny


“Let’s Go Fly A Kite”


One of THE most underrated Disney characters and songs of all time. ‘Sister Suffragette’. You go girl.


That hat and umbrella combo. Never since has their been a better fashion moment for me. I mean, it so shouldn’t work, but Poppins can pull it off. Is she not just the most beautiful woman?!



“Winds in the east, mist coming in, Like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin. Can’t put me finger on what lies in store, But I fear what’s to happen all happened before.”

I LOVE this quote. So beautiful. It always seemed so magical to me that Mary Poppins blew in on the winds of change…..And I also adored the Nannies blowing away in the wind at the start of this film when I was a kid! So I had to pay homage in my design.



One of the most memorable songs! And the silhouettes in this dance sequence were so mesmerising as a child. “Step in time!”




And then there is of course THE most iconic song from the film! And the longest word that most of us know! 😉




This whole chalk painting sequence is just gorgeous. And such a magical thing to watch as a child. I was always so taken by the moment the carousel horses took off and started moving of into the woodlands.


And how could I not reference Bert’s suit in this sequence! I mean, talk about fashion icon!!


So I hope you enjoyed my montage of Mary Poppins shoe art and the moments I have chosen to pay tribute to! Let me know your favourite Mary Poppins moments and quotes!


Until next time guys!

Katy xx

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