Anniversary · Blogger · Disney · Disney World · DisneyLand · Style

A Very Merry Unbirthday to me! It’s my Blog-iversary!

It’s my Blog-iversary!

I can’t believe it has been a whole year since I started this little Disney inspired adventure – On Cloud Katy.

Mostly this just started out as something that I would enjoy doing and as a bit of fun. And I was already pretty actively following soooo many cool Disney accounts and blogs anyway that I started to think, do you know what, I could do that! That’s something I wanna be a part of! So a year ago today I launched my own Disney Instagram account and Blog for all things Disney and fandom – On Cloud Katy. I have had more fun doing this than I ever thought I would, and I wanted to share a few of the things I have learned along the way!

This is so much harder than I thought it would be! 

I now have so much more respect for all the accounts and blogs that I follow that are so regular with their content and well polished! I was working from home when I first started, so this allowed me to work so much more flexibly and dedicate more time to my writing and posts. Now that I have changed jobs and my work is a lot more full on, finding the time to blog and post is so much more difficult! I find that I have so many ideas that I want to pursue but not enough time in the day to do it! When people think that blogging and running lifestyle accounts is easy and that generating a following will be simple, they could not be more wrong! It takes perseverance and really setting aside time to work at it!

It’s OK to put yourself out there and be unashamedly your nerdy, Disney obsessed, fandom loving self! 

When I first launched my Instagram account, posted my first image, and wrote my first blog post….I was absolutely terrified. It might not seem like it because I tend to over-compensate in social situations by acting like a goof ball, but I am incredibly self conscious. Well, actually, not so much any more. The idea of caring about something, being passionate about it, and then sharing that side of myself with the world for them to either embrace or laugh at was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. Even posting a picture that included my face took me a while! But throughout the year I’ve found myself becoming more and more confident in myself, my ability to write well, creating content people respond to and enjoy, and taking really awesome pictures of myself (that yes, include my face!). It has honestly taught me so much about how I should embrace the nerd in me and run wild 🙂

I have connected with so many like-minded people

And part of the reason I have found all this confidence is the people I have connected with through my Insta and through my Blogging! So many Disney accounts that have reached out to me and become little online nerd friends with has been so awesome. And the Disney accounts that I had admired with tens of thousands of followers that I have spoken with and given advice has been awesome as well. Getting recognition and likes from big accounts like that has been really inspiring and motivated me to continue pursuing this. I have also been really surprised by the amount of support I have received from people I already knew. Bonding with people from school over my posts that I never really spoke to back in the day. Getting consistent support from family and friends to keep going and that they are enjoying what I am putting out into the world. That has been amazing. 🙂

And now, I wanted to share a few of the goals I have for this venture for the coming year. Let’s see how many of them are fulfilled in 365 days time!

1.Blog/Vlog from Disney World! SO THIS YEAR IS MY TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD 🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  I am so excited for this (obviously) and I am planning to share this holiday with you all through Vlogs, Blogging and my Insta Stories.

2.Start posting more regularly. I am going to aim to post one blog a week from now on. Even if it’s just some silly little series of thoughts from my weirdo brain 🙂

3.Post on Insta once a day. I really wanna generate more reliable content. And I think once I have moved and have more time and space to myself again this will be much easier. 🙂

4.Create more, paint more, sew more – possibly expand my Etsy store? Whilst on this little journey I have connected with and been inspired by so many small shops and Disney accounts that are brilliantly creative and wonderfully artistic. I never thought I had the talent or capability to do anything like that myself. But you know what, I had a go. I started with sketching designs on some bags, and then began painting my own Disney shoes and then launched a new Etsy Store ‘SugarRushCo’ with my boyfriend designing t-shirts. I have also learned to crochet this year! So expect some of that to be coming your way! Practice really does make perfect. I have become so much better and more confident in my skills this year and am really looking to pursue this element of my lifestyle posts more and more this coming year.

So that’s it! Here’s to the next year of this adventure and seeing what it brings!

Thank you to everyone that has supported me in anyway this year. 🙂

Katy xx

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