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‘We’re all mad here….’ Comic Con, Oct 2017

So last weekend was Comic Con in London and OBVIOUSLY I was there.

This is like the fourth or fifth time I have been now…and it was pretty much as good as it is every time I go. I LOVE all the unique and quirky Disney merchandise you can find at Comic Con that you just wouldn’t find anywhere else. As well as plenty of other fandoms that I am obsessed with. *cough* Harry Potter *cough*

I really like that at Comic Con you actually get to meet with and see these people selling all this merch. It’s like walking around real life Etsy, which I guess is just like walking around a marketplace but specifically for nerds! 🙂

And you will never see as many people in one place as at Comic Con! Just look at these pics if you want an idea!


And a lot of the merch that I always find is really cool stuff from America that sellers know that they can get rid of in bulk at big conventions – so as a Brit I can find really awesome bits that I have seen American bloggers/Instagrammers talking about from the Disney World Parks that I can never usually get hold of.

And LOADS of this stuff is handmade. Again which is so great because you can actually meet and purchase from the person who made the items.

I always find that Comic Con is such a quirky place to get really unusual jewellery so I made the effort to track down and take pics of the jewellery finds that I saw this weekend. So just take a look at all this cute stuff!

Absolutely LOVED these Disney Charm bracelets as well. Beauty and the Beast is my favourite classic Disney film and Moana is my favourite of the new Disneys, so this combo is just perfect for me. And the Jack Skellington bracelet was also pretty cool, particularly as Comic Con was on Halloween Weekend!


And there were some cute Disney Lego keyrings as well!

Last year there was a stand selling some really cute storybook necklaces, and I bought myself a little Peter Rabbit necklace which has featured in one of my previous posts. A necklace I thought would be perfect for a modern Belle.

“Everyone Deserves Their Happy Ending”


And last weekend I found that stall again! So just had to share all the book necklaces I found 🙂


I love these necklaces so much, such a cute idea and such a great variety of books. I Particularly love the Harry Potter collection, I need them all!


Also, the sheer number of artists at Comic Con never ceases to amaze me. They are all so insanely talented and just wandering around and looking at all of their work, I could honestly do that for hours. I wish so badly that I could draw as well as some of the artists I saw at the weekend. To be able to see something in your mind’s eye and then put it on to paper so that someone else can share it, that must be awesome.

One artist in particular that blew my mind was this really cool artist selling Disney prints – Megan Withey.

They had big A4 prints for sale and also Disney ‘minis’ which I just thought were so adorable as an idea. And really cute for picking out a few of your favourite films for a little collection that you could keep in a little display in your bedroom or workspace.



How insanely cute are these!!

And obviously I was obsessed with the Moana mini print as I am pretty much obsessed with anything remotely Moana themed these days. The classic Belle image on the larger print as well was once of my favourites.

Just can’t get over the amazing artistry. And one of my favourites is this one from Paperman. Such an underrated Disney short film and I absolutely love it. 🙂


With Christmas coming up I also found a really cute stall with loads of the new Disney Christmas merch, baubles, etc.

And look at these crazy phone cases and little hand mirrors! So wacky and wonderful! I don’t think that I would ever be able to fit my phone in my pocket with one of these in, but they are pretty freakin cool!

There was also LOADS of Disney Merch that I will now just jumble up in to one big collage of pics. Because there is just too much other stuff to categorise it all!

And obviously I have to share with you my Disney outfit of the day for Comic Con!



So it was very Disney/Pizza Planet themed! And the main feature was my tee from Teeq – such a cool small shop, go check them out on Instagram! @teeqco

I will be posting a 2nd part to this post as there was sooooo much Marvel stuff and costumes from the new upcoming Black Panther movie, that it really needed a post of it’s own!

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