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“Adventure is out there!” – Craft inspired by Up

So…I have been really busy recently! Hence this post is so late on during the week! I have officially moved from Reading back to the homeland of Essex and so have been spending my time speaking with landlords, packing, unpacking, dealing with bills, closing accounts, changing addresses, and just basically loads of super boring stuff! Which has unfortunately taken up loads of my time! But I am back at it now and posting this week about another craft I have been working on.

‘Adventure is out there’ from Up has been my inspiration this week, moving house and county and having a change of lifestyle is my new adventure 🙂

Previously, I posted about a Tinkerbell themed bag that I had been working on after being inspired by Dapper Day at Disney World and all of the amazing Etsy craft stores I follow on Instagram.

And while I have been otherwise occupied with having to do boring life things, I have still been spending a large portion of my spare time scrolling through the craft pages of loads of the Etsy stores I love! And I’ve been inspired to do another little bag craft all over again, but this time I have tried to ‘Up’ my game and add a bit more colour and detail. (I’m really sorry for the awful pun. But I’m also not).

So this week it’s all about Up!

This is absolutely one of my favourite Pixar films, and partly because it’s not really for kids! There is so much complexity and really powerful messages about life’s journey in this film, and I think a lot of that goes over children’s heads. I mean sure, kids understand on a fundamental level that something is sad or poignant, but a lot of the story really hits home with adults in a far more relatable way that they can appreciate on a deeper level.

I also think the imagery of this film is really special. That iconic sight of Carl’s floating house with the balloons as well as the ‘Ellie Badge’ seem to have really stood out in Disney merchandising, with every fan having an element of these in their collections.

So Up is my theme this week and I have crafted much in the same way as much previous Tinkerbell post, accept I think I have learned a few lessons and hope that this one is a bit more professional than my first attempt. 🙂

I used the same style bag as my Tinkerbell bag, tracing paper, pencils, and permanent markers. Oh, and a bit of imagination!

Here’s a bit of my process:

And here’s the finished product!

I really like this bag and can’t wait to take it out this summer 🙂





3x me balloons

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