Disney · Disney Bound · Fashion · Sleeping Beauty

“Make it Pink! Make it Blue!”

Sleeping Beauty is one of my absolute favourite childhood films and I re-watched it this week. It’s an unashamedly traditional, Disney fairytale. It opens with the classic Disney fairytale book and contains every ‘Disney cliché’, before they were clichés – a Prince saving a Princess, fairies, a witch, an enchanted forest and true love’s kiss. It’s one of the true Disney classics, hand drawn (each frame a work of art in itself) and is today hailed as one of the best animated films ever made.

Disney announced a brand new set of Tsum Tsum’s in the last few days, and seriously how cute are these! Cannot wait to get my hands on these on May 16th.


And as a result I have been obsessing on Sleeping Beauty this week!

When I watched this film as a child I used to love (and still do) the scene in which the animals get into Prince Philip’s clothing and dance with Aurora. A sequence that has now become so iconic that it is mimicked by Giselle in ‘Enchanted’. It’s not a driver to the plot but I think it’s one of most children’s ‘memorable moments’ of this film, and I think any Disney fan has a soft spot for a Princess singing and dancing with some woodland creatures! So I love that Disney have embraced this fan favourite moment and included the Owl in Philip’s cloak and hat, and the Rabbit in his boot, in this Tsum Tsum collection.


One of the criticisms of Sleeping Beauty upon its original release was that the film was too scary, and I have to say I agree; this film is at points absolutely terrifying! I am thinking of the sequence in which Maleficent has Prince Philip chained up in her castle, and she imagines a scenario in which he is locked up all his life, released as an old man with a life that has wasted away in front of him, practically withering away as he is finally released.sleeping-beauty-140.png

To say that this stuck with me and got to my very core as a child is an understatement! I mean, that is some pretty harrowing stuff! But as an adult this is one of the main reasons this film is one of my favourites. I think it’s a rite of passage for every child to be mildly traumatised by a Disney film! It’s character building!

Maleficent’s Raven (who I have just found out is named Diablo) was one of my favourites as well. Who doesn’t want a loyal pet bird snooping on their enemies and reporting back? Another example maybe of how watching a Disney film as a child and as an adult is a very different experience. As a child, the raven is intimidating and that’s a bad thing. As an adult, the raven is intimidating and I want one. 😉


But…..my absolute favourite scene in this film (and I think it is for most people) is the scene in which Flora and Merryweather get in a little…dispute…as to what colour Aurora’s birthday gown should be. The “Make it Pink! Make it Blue!” fairy battle is a Disney classic moment.


So this fun scene has inspired my fandom fashion for this week! And with Spring fully in the air and in the shops now I can finally start wearing colour again! (because let’s face it, in the winter I wear all black, every day).

  1. Make it Pink!

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Jacket – Primark

Dress – Primark

Shoes – New Look



I literally own so many pink items of clothing it was difficult to decide which items to put together for this one! I love the trend of pastel colours that start cropping up everywhere as Spring hits (although they don’t help with how pale I start looking before the summer tan has had a chance to come in!) I especially love the jacket in this outfit, as I think it pulls everything together and makes it look like I’ve made an effort for any occasion by just throwing it on.

2. Make it Blue!

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Shirt – Matalan

Jeans – Miss Selfridge

Shoes – Primark


This is my favourite outfit this week. I feel way more comfortable in jeans, a shirt, and flat shoes than I ever will in a dress! I love the bright colour of this shirt in particular, I just wish I had more excuse to wear something so summery living in the UK. I thought this shirt was actually a really good find for Matalan as well. Usually I think of Matalan as being a bit ‘mumsy’ but they seem to be getting a bit more fashionable these days 😛

3. Pink / Blue DressIMG_6487

Dress – Miss Selfridge


So this was the closest I could find to a miss-matched ‘make it pink, make it blue’ gown! I think the splodgy design of the flowers overlapping are doing a good job of creating the illusion! So this is my attempt at a ‘Disney Bound’ of Aurora’s ruined dress. Now that I put the image of the animation and my pictures side by side I actually think this is a pretty good likeness!



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